Violet/Blue Flowers 1  2

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Hairy Beardtongue (Penstemon hirsutis) Pink to violet/blue flowers atop woolly stems. Note the white lips. Gray Beardtongue will have blue veins here.  Blooms June to July on dry, rocky ground. Photos by Ken Clark. Location: Great Falls National Park, MD, Billy Goat Trail.

Blue Toadflax (Linaria canadensis): Small flowers atop slender stalks. Prefers sunny, sandy areas. Location: Patapsco Valley State Park, MD, Daniels area. Photo by Ken Clark.

Common (purple) Foxglove (Digitalis purpuraea): A biennial introduced from Europe and Asia. The extract is used to make cardiac medicines. The entire plant is extremely toxic. A rosette of broad lancelet leaves form the first year followed by the flower stalk the next year. Blooms late spring to early summer. Location: Sugarloaf Mt, MD.

Putty Root or He and She Orchid (Aplectum hyemale): Single wintergreen leaf that over-winters before dying. This specimen is not in full bloom. Usually considered to be green or yellow with deep purple on the edges like this when in full bloom. Photo by Jami Bladden.

More Long Terminal Clusters

Indian Tobacco (Lobelia inflata). A poisonous annual that grows in poor soil. Location: Saint Mary's Wilderness, VA.


Bush-Clover (Lespedeza violacea): Much branched. Can be upright or spreading. Small oval leaves with long stems. Small clusters of flowers at end of branches. Location: Downs Park.

Slender Bush-Clover (Lespedeza virginica): Erect bush with crowded thin leaflets in sets of three. Flowers pink to purple. Open areas. Location: Andy Layne Trailhead, VA.

Wandlike Bush-Clover (Lespedeza intermedia): Long single stems with no branching. Flowers in clusters. Location: Downs Park.


More Bush-Clovers

Chinese Bush-Clover (Lespediza cuneata): An alien. Main stem similar to L. intermedia (above) but leaves thinner and with much branching at the ends of the main stem. Individual flowers in leaf axils. Location: Downs Park.

Stueve's Bush-clover (Lespedeza stueve1): Very hairy trifolate, oval to eliptical leaves on short stems sets this one off from the others. Photo by Dimitri Tundra.


Butterfly Pea (Clitoria mariana): Very large  (nearly 2 inches) pale blue flowers. Leaflets in 3s. Location: Great Falls NP, MD. Photo by Ken Clark.


Leather Flower or Vase Vine (Clematis viorna): Gets one name because of the toughness of the petals and the other because of its shape. The total length of this vine can reach 12 feet as it grows up and down the branches of neighboring plants. Location: AT - Tar Jacket Ridge, GWNF, VA.

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Bull Thistle (Cirsium vulgare ): While they are unsightly in our lawns and gardens thistles can be quite attractive in the wild. Attracts bees. Gold Finches use the soft seed feathers as nesting material. Location: Unknown.

Southern Harebell (Campanula divaricata): Small blue flowers hang from small braches hanging from the main stem. Photo by Dave bennick.


Horse Nettle (Solanum carolinense): Light blue flowers with thorny leaves and stems. In the nightshade family. Location: Fairwood Valley Horse trail, Mt. Rogers N.R.A., VA.

European Columbine (Aqualigia vulgaris): An established escaped ornamental found in several colors. Photo by Dimitri Tundra.

Purple Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata ): was used traditionally in the Americas and later in Europe as a "calming" herb for anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and hysteria. Photo by Dimitri Tundra.



Jimsonweed (Datura stamonium var. tatula): Alien. Poisonous. Flowers 3-5 inches long. Coarse leaves and spiny seed pods. Purple stem. There is a white variety with green stem. Flower photo by Saki. Seed pod and plant by Dimitri Tundra.

Monkshood: (Aconitum uncinatum)  Strange purple flowers on rather limp branches. Summer bloomer. Grows in weed thickets in sunny, swampy areas. Location: Laurel Fork Wilderness, MNF, WV.

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Showy Orchis, Galearis spectabilis (Orchis spectabilis) : Location: Gunpowder State Park, MD/ Sweet Water area. Photo by Ken Clark  

Wild Comfrey (Cynoglossum virginianum): Flowers at the end of a hairy stem. Basal leaves stemmed. Upper leaves large, lanceolet and sessile.


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Rambling (Creeping) Bell Flower (Campanula rapunculoides): An alien. Forms mats on the forest floor. Thrives in shade. Blooms in the summer months. Location: Eastern slope of Shaver's Mt. on Mylius Trail, Otter Creek Wilderness, MNF, WV. 

Clasping Venus Looking Glass (Specularia perfoliata): Blooms May - August. Grows in poor soil. Location: Brown Mountain Trail, SNP, VA.


American Water Willow (Justicia americana): Small white flowers with orchid/purple markings. Grows along banks of streams, rivers and lakes. Roots are always submerged. Location: Potomac River, Great Falls National Park. Photo by Ken Clark.

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Shooting-Star (Dodecatheon meadia): Striking purple and yellow flower atop a naked stalk. All leaves at the base. What an apt name!!! Blooms April to May. Location: North terminus of the North Fork Mt. Trail.

Spring Larkspur (Delphinium tricorne): 12-30 inches. The tall Larkspur (D. exaltatum) blooms later and is significantly taller. Photo by David Bennick.


Common Burdock (Arctium minus): Large plant in the sunflower family w/very large tobacco-like leaves. Location: Tea Creek Backcountry, MNF, WV.


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